Monday, September 13, 2010

Our adoption video


  1. Thanks for sharing the video. You did a great job! My girls loved seeing there brother (Silas B.) on the video.


  2. I love the video. So sweet! May God bless you on this amazing journey:) By the way, I am mommy to Silas L., the one in the picture with Lucy Lane and Will!

  3. Congrats on starting you journey! We are a fellow NCer adopting from Ethiopia! Glad we found your cute blog!

  4. Nice vid Jack. It brought back so many memories of Addis. The market, the city, the "weits"/taxi buses, the beautiful Ethiopian people, etc. I will continue to pray for you all and can't wait until you're hearing Mom & Dad from a new little voice. Love you girl!

  5. Your video is so sweet! We would LOVE to get together for dinner! Thank you for all of your encouraging words last week! God is putting some amazing people in our lives as we go along this journey! Thanks for everything!


  6. Loved the video. You will never be the same after the journey. Its incredible!!!!!

  7. Lovin' the video! So great!!!

    I'm speding the evening catching up on fellow AWAA YG blogs. trying to get to know everyone in the paperchasing stage.

    We're back in the ET program for round #2 and missing the days when we knew EVERY family and where they were at in the process!! So glad the program has grown, though.

    Just wanted to encourage you. Wishing you blessings and peace for the journey!

  8. What a sweet video! We too are adopting a baby boy from Ethiopia with AWAA. So glad to have found you!


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