Wednesday, January 5, 2011

No News..Prayer Rally!!

No news yet! I have been up since 2AM praying about all this. We leave in 12 days. I just am struggling with do we call our agency, demand answers and fight for this baby we don't even know or do we just rest in the Lord and wait for Him to work it all out for us?

I cant even think about flying to Ethiopia and not having a baby there Or going into the baby room at the Transition House and not knowing which one is ours. Our agency isn't really even addressing this yet and so I don't know which way to even think.

I guess we could just not show up for court in Jan, get a later court date and hope we get a referral soon. OR go and try to sign some sort of power of attorney when we get there for a baby we have never met? But then this leaves Micah in Ethiopia longer too and he is so anxious to start his new life here with us. Oh if we would just get that phone call today everything could fall into place!

Y'all please please please keep praying! I KNOW God has called us to this and I KNOW He wants these children to be rescued and I KNOW the enemy would like nothing better than for this to be a testimony for others to see how hard and not worth it adoption can be. I so want to show others that it is worth it and it is God's heart!

I am clinging to Psalms 37:5 this morning.

"Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it."


  1. ugh. i don't know what i would do... will they even let you do an adoption at all now w/o meeting the baby? at least one of you? and then the extra cost of additional flights to do so if you can't meet him/her on this trip... praying for you!

  2. Oh, Jackie! May this not even be an issue because I am praying you GET YOUR REFERRAL THIS WEEK!!!!!! May God be so gentle with your heart and may He give you His strength as you wait for THE CALL!!!!! C'mon, God, won't you PLEASE remove the obstacles that have SO slowed the referrals, and swing WIDE the doors for this family in particular to see their son's face!!!!!!


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