Tuesday, August 24, 2010

On Deck

We received our On Deck email today! That basically is just the official you are reallllly close to getting a referral email. We kinda knew this already, but it feels much more real now that we have read the email! I actually starting making a list of baby items we have and baby items we still need to get!
Now, we could get the call tomorrow or weeks from now, BUT that email was the last step before seeing our sweet baby's face!! And that is exciting!!


  1. wait, so like are you NEXT in line??? or just toward the top?

  2. There is only ONE more family in front of us!!

  3. Jackie, this is great!

    I'm sitting on the edge of my chair...

    Mary FL

  4. WOO HOO!!!!! How exciting, Jackie!!

  5. Hooray! That's such wonderful news!


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